Dr. hab. Łukasz Gawęda, Prof. IP PAN, is the head of the Experimental Psychopathology Lab. Łukasz is a psychologist who combines clinical experience (previously directing the Laboratory of Psychopathology and Early Interventions at the Second Psychiatric Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw, with experience in working with patients in inpatient, outpatient, and PZP settings; he has completed training in CBT with elements of psychodynamics) with scientific work. In the Laboratory, he ensures that everyone strives towards set goals and that no one gets bored.
Currently, Łukasz is leading three scientific projects funded by the National Science Centre. Two of them have just been launched at the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Sonata Bis and Preludium Bis) and have allowed us to build our current team. Łukasz’s main areas of interest are psychological mechanisms of psychoses. In his research, he seeks to integrate knowledge about adverse social, psychological, and biological factors in shaping the risk of developing psychotic disorders and others. He has published dozens of papers on this topic in top scientific journals. He has been a grantee of the Polish Science Foundation (2x START program) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He has undertaken research fellowships in Germany (2 years in Hamburg with Prof. S. Moritz) and Australia (Melbourne with Prof. B. Nelson).
He is a father of two daughters. In his free time, he enjoys being creative, listening to music, and increasingly devotes himself to painting.