Alfredo Vellido Alcacena




Research Team member


Alfredo Vellido is currently a full professor (formerly a Ramón y Cajal researcher) at the Department of Computer Science (CS) , Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and part of the SOCO Research Group and the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDEAI-UPC) Research Center. Founding member of the Spanish Society of AI in Biomedicine (IABiomed),

member of the CIBER-BBN, and the IEEE-CIS Data Mining and Big Data Analytics Technical Committee, in which he is Chair of the Explainable Machine Learning (EXML) Task Force and a member of the Task Force on Medical Data Analysis. Member of the Editorial Boards of PLoS ONE, Neural Processing Letters and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Medicine and Public Health.

At UPC, he is currently Deputy Academic Director of the CS Department.

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