New article!

A big thank you to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) members for this very nice article on the progress of our PERMEPSY project!

Read here:

As a reminder, one of the main objectives of PERMEPSY is to develop a predictive platform for the effectiveness of Metacognitive Training (MCT) for psychosis (Steffen Moritz), which will be freely accessible.

As announced in the article, the predictive platform is powered by previous RCTs on MCT for psychosis, involving over 700 participants.

The platform will soon be tested in a pilot clinical trial involving 250 people with #schizophrenia across Spain, Germany, Poland, France, and Chile.

We will, of course, keep you informed of progress. In the meantime, we hope that we will soon be able to share with you the literature reviews and meta-analyses on MCT written by our team, which are currently under review.

Stay tuned!

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